About BAS banner

Who We Are
Welcome to the community of amateur astronomers in Brevard County Florida, the Space Coast. Being a Brevard Astronomical Society (BAS) member provides an opportunity to learn about astronomy, telescope and imaging equipment and observing the sky from other members during our meetings and star gazing events. We encourage sharing experiences and knowledge no matter your skill level. You can be a part of this special group of amateur astronomers exploring the universe.
Mission and Purpose
1. To establish an astronomical society for the general public to foster interest and appreciation of astronomy through lectures, seminars, study groups, public star observing sessions, exhibits, and any and all other appropriate means.

2. To serve as an educational resource for the public by providing information and expertise on the science of astronomy.

CONTACT US: If you have questions, please email us at this address: Contact Us

Our Officers

Click on each photo to see a short bio

President: Steve Izzo
Vice President
Vice President: Mark Marquette
Treasurer: Greg Seaman
Secretary: Bonnie Bedell
Outreach Coordinator: Dave Guibert

A Little History of our Organization

The organization has been in existence since about 1970 and became an officially registered non-profit with the State of Florida in 2000. Long-lived volunteer organizations flourish due to the contributions, dedication and enthusiasm of members.

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2015: BAS has often partnered with NASA to support events at KSC, working with KSC Visitor Complex staff from Delaware North for coordination of event support. For example, we are the primary contact for star parties for Yuri's Night at KSC. BAS Members have also supported the 25th anniversary of Hubble and both the Shuttle Atlantis Rollout and Debut events. The article below published by the Astronomical League in 2016 summarizes an event at KSC in 2015. BAS Reflector Article by Ken Diller
Main BAS logo image
2014: The current version of the logo for the Brevard Astronomical Society was designed in 2014 by collaboration among members and officers in the club at the time. There are several elements in this logo designed to align with who we are and what we do.

Since the Brevard Astronomical Society is located on the Space Coast, we decided to include an Astronaut on the Moon since this is where all of the Apollo launches to the Moon originated. It also indicates Space Exploration and Science is part of what we do in the Brevard Astronomical Society. The Saturn image is from NASA, the BAS orange capital letters are the color of the Sun, and the M20 nebula image was taken by John Small - one of the club's past presidents, and a very experienced Astrophotographer. The quote by Plato inspires our exploration of the heavens.
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2005: Florida Today profile of long-time and still member Wycliffe Hoffler and his backyard observatory in Titusville. Includes background on BAS and then President Rick Cupoli.
Florida Today BAS profile page1
Florida Today BAS profile page2
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1978: Past and current member Chuck Cole spearheaded a convention of the Southeast Region of the Astronomical League (SERAL). See details in the links. Convention Brochure Convention Agenda
DIY Contest Registration Form
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2017: Did you know there is an asteroid named for our organization? From Wikipedia: "6117 Brevardastro, provisional designation 1985 CZ1, is a stony asteroid from the inner regions of the asteroid belt, approximately 5 kilometers in diameter. The asteroid was discovered on 12 February 1985, by Belgian astronomer Henri Debehogne at ESO's La Silla site in northern Chile. It was later named for the American Brevard Astronomical Society... According to the survey carried out by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer with its subsequent NEOWISE mission, Brevardastro measures 5.199 kilometers in diameter". See the full Wikipdeia entry

BAS History is an on-going construction - more interesting information will be added here as it becomes available.